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时间:2024-09-23 | 作者:天博TB

首页 装修资讯 亚洲青年设计之光 | 一项国际性的媒体不雅察打算,面向亚洲开启征集! 亚洲青年设计之光 | 一项国际性的媒体不雅察打算,面向亚洲开启征集! http://www.jiaju82.com 2024年07月18日19:24 家居装修资讯

亚洲青年设计之光 | 一项国际性的媒体观察计划面向亚洲开启征集!


About Asian Youth Designers Programme


"Asian Youth Designers Programme" is a media program that observes outstanding design thinkers and practitioners in Asia from a media perspective. It is jointly initiated and implemented by the Guangzhou Design Week Media Alliance, top professional media members at home and abroad, design associations and organizations, national embassies and consulates and strategic partner HEGII. The program lists young designers from various Asian countries (or regions) as observation objects, and selects one young design leader from each country (region) every year. It is a benchmark and epitome of the new strength of Asian design, and is regarded as the "Asian Youth Designers Programme", attracting world attention.

亚洲青年设计之光 | 一项国际性的媒体观察计划面向亚洲开启征集!


结合倡议机构:广州设计周、广州设计周资本火伴同盟(GIA)、广州设计周媒体同盟、iDesign绝对设计、标致家居、BODW、iN DESIGN LAB、THE TRIANGLE.JP

United Organizations: Guangzhou Design Week,Guangzhou Design Week International Alliance (GIA), Guangzhou Design Week Media International Alliance, iDesign, MY HOME,BODW,iN DESIGN LAB、THE TRIANGLE.JP


Strategic partner: HEGII

Part02 介入国度/地域 Participants


Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Dubai,Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and other 10 countries or regions.

Part03 声誉设置 Honor

➢ 2024亚洲青年设计之光(中国内地)TOP100≤100位

Top100 of Asian Youth Designers 2024 ( Mainland China )≤100 digits

➢ 2024亚洲青年设计之光(中国内地)TOP10≤10位

Top10 of Asian Youth Designers 2024 ( Mainland China )≤10 digits

➢ 2024亚洲青年设计之光(中国内地)≤1位

Top1 of Asian Youth Designers 2024 ( Mainland China )≤1 digits

➢ 2024亚洲青年设计之光≤10位(1位/国度或地域)

Asian Youth Designers 2024 ≤10 digits ( 1 digit/country or region )

Part04 不雅察对象 Eligibility


The project is open to outstanding architectural / interior Asian designers aged 44 and under.



➢ 小我经历:100-800字,含小我简介、首要工作履历、社会成绩/声誉、设计理念/主张/哲学等;

Resume: 100-800 words, including personal profile, main work experience, social achievements / honor, design concept / proposition / philosophy, etc.

➢ 小我形象照: Jpg格局,最短边不低在1000像素,巨细不跨越5M;

Personal image photo: Jpg format, the shortest edge not less than 1000 pixels, size not more than 5M.

➢ 小我身份证扫描件或照片:Jpg格局正背面,不合错误外仅作为信息核实;

Personal ID card scan or photo: both sides of the Jpg format, just to be used to verify the information.

➢ 代表作品:1-3套,每套作品含不跨越500字的设计申明、项目完全平面图、项目实景照片(很多在10张)。所有图片均为JPG格局,最短边不低在1000px,每张图片巨细不跨越10MB;

Representative works: 1-3 sets of work, each set of works contains no more than 500 words of design description, complete floor plan of the project, real photos of the project (more than 10 pieces) . All the pictures are in JPG format, the shortest edge is not less than 1000px, each picture size is less than 10MB.

➢ 项目作品必需为本人原创作品,为2022年1月1日起在中国境内完工的室内设计、建筑设计等联系关系项目,具有完全版权和利用权;

The project must be the original works, for the interior design, architectural design and other related projects completed in Chinese Mainland from 1st January 2022, with the full copyright.

➢ 统一机构每一年不跨越两名设计师报名申报,分歧设计师不克不及提交统一项目作品;

No more than two designers of the same organization for the application every year, and different designers cannot submit the works of the same project.

Part06 不雅察尺度Criteria

➢ 设计师须有原创作品,且作品均完成完工

Designers must have original works that have been completed.

➢ 设计师具有凸起与领先的设计表达

Designers have an outstanding and leading design expression

➢ 设计师有手艺性和艺术性的室内或建筑项目,合适今世年青人的审美

Designers have technical and artistic interior or architectural projects which in line with the aesthetic of contemporary young people

➢ 设计师有打破传统的立异意义的项目,表现了对空间,对材料的立异应用

Designers have projects that break the traditional innovative significance, reflecting the innovative application of space and materials.

Part07 推举委员会AYD Selection Committee

2024 亚洲青年设计之光推举委员会由亚洲各年夜权势巨子媒体机构、国际设计协会与组织、特约评审团配合构成,他们将依照不雅察尺度在亚洲列国家(或地域)别离推举出1位青年设计师,被选为“2024亚洲青年设计之光”。

AYD Selection Committee of Asian Youth Designers Programme 2024 is composed of professional media, design associations or organizations, and national consulates, which will observe and select one young designers from each country or region in Asia, who will be elected as ‘The Elite of Asian Youth Designers 2024’.

Part08 运营法则 Schedule

第一阶段:公然征集 本日起-9月30日

Stage 1:Call for Entries From now on- 30th Sep


Interior Designers or architectural Designers can contact United Organizations for application from their countries or region in Asia.

第二阶段:名单发布 10月15日-11月15日

Stage 2:Announcement 15th Oct- 15th Nov


2024 List of International Design Dialogue is announced, an�첩TBd it will be announced on the official WeChat account and official website of Guangzhou Design Week. Extensive inquiries and suggestions.


AYD Selection Committee will observe and select one young designers from each country or region in Asia each year to be ‘The Elite of Asian Youth Designers 2024 ( Country / Region)’.The announcement will be published on the platforms of United Organizations.

第三阶段:年度颁奖仪式 12月6日-9日

Stage 3:Annual award ceremony 6th Dec -9th Dec


On December 6-9, 2024, during the 2024 Guangzhou Design Week, the "Asia Youth Design Light (Mainland China) TOP1 Media Final Review Conference" will be held to select one young design leader to be elected as the 2024 Asia Youth Design Light, and an "Asia Youth Design Light 2024 Annual Award Ceremony" will be held. The award ceremony will be held on-site, and the award-winning designer will be awarded an honorary certificate.

Part09 费用申明 Charge Standard


Not to charge any fees to the participating designers in any way.


Designers will pay themselves for the transportation and accommodation for the series of activities of Asian Youth Designers Programme.

亚洲青年设计之光 | 一项国际性的媒体观察计划面向亚洲开启征集!


原文网址: 亚洲青年设计之光 | 一项国际性的媒体不雅察打算,面向亚洲开启征集! http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-870867.html所属分类:设计资讯

上一篇:天博TB-热点城市稳楼市政策进一步优化 下一篇:天博TB-三棵树与多乐士乳胶漆哪个好?哪个更胜一筹?





总工:13302913876 QQ:1341329082

