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天博TB-LuOne凯德晶萃广场: 萨夫迪建筑事务所在上海市中心营造“垂直城市绿洲”

时间:2024-09-17 | 作者:天博TB

首页 装修资讯 LuOne凯德晶萃广场: 萨夫迪建筑事务地点上海市中间营建“垂直城市绿洲” LuOne凯德晶萃广场�첩TB: 萨夫迪建筑事务地点上海市中间营建“垂直城市绿洲” http://www.jiaju82.com 2024年07月22日11:11 家居装修资讯


LuOne Mixed-Use Complex

Safdie Architects Completes an Urban Oasis in Downtown Shanghai


Bringing Art, Daylight and Nature into an Integrated Business and Retail Experience




Safdie Architects announces the completion of LuOne Mixed-Use Complex, an integrated hub for dynamic businesses, retail, and entertainment in the historic Luwan district of Shanghai. Both the eight-level retail galleria and a 35-story office tower are organized around atrium gardens that provide visitors and workers with a serene destination in the heart of the city. The 140,000-square-meter (1.5M-square-foot) retail galleria has thrived since it opened in 2018. With the completion of the 45,000-square-meter (526,000-square-foot) office tower, the original vision is fully realized in this vibrant and programmatically diverse project.


“LuOne answers the pressing need for connection to nature and a place of community within Shanghai’s urban core.”

-- Christopher Mulvey


Senior Partner of Safdie Architects


位在场地东北角的LuOne办公楼,与贸易广场的每层空间和其屋顶的开放景不雅天台相互连通。办公楼的西南角特殊设计为玻璃塔体,构成了160米高的“转角花圃”(Corner Garden)。设计以每4层为单元挑高,塑造了7个空中绿色空间,其间设有4米高的铁冬青树、多样的灌木,和从空中花架倾注而下的繁茂绿植——这些花圃垂直堆叠,恍如葱茏的植被攀上35层的高楼,将城市绿意天然地融入办公情况当中。

Located on the northeast corner of the site, the office building integrates with the retail program at each level of the retail galleria including the publicly accessible landscaped roof terrace. Along the southwest edge of the office tower, a glass-enclosed “corner garden” ascends the 160-meter building. Seven gardens, each four stories in height and stacked vertically, incorporate specimen trees, mature shrubs, and vegetation cascading from ceiling-mounted planters, which create the appearance of greenery climbing the entirety of the 35-story tower.



The eight-story retail podium is an extroverted space that organizes shops along three gallerias, which connect surrounding streets through the building and define a triangular atrium garden in the center. In the tradition of celebrated conservatory gardens, the atrium is enclosed by a grand toroidal dome skylight that springs from a central stem support on the third level. Linear skylights radiate out from the dome and bring daylight into the lowest levels of the gallerias, two stories below the street.

两层高的铜色立柱外衬在贸易广场的沿街空间,并塑造了商场的进口。沿街商铺直接连通城市步道,不但激活建筑边沿,也使建筑融入布满活力的公共范畴。沿街外立面上方设置了美国艺术家内德·卡恩(Ned Kahn)的动态艺术装配——该作品由数十万块阳极氧化金属板构成,这些金属板吊挂在埋没的横杆上,随风摆动、不竭转变,以怪异的视角显现天然现象。

A two-story bronze colonnade lines the retail podium and frames each of the main galleria entrances. Shops at street-level also open onto the sidewalk, which activates the building edge and animates the public realm. The upper stories are adorned with a kinetic art installation by Ned Kahn, an American artist known for large-scale interventions that encourage observation of natural phenomena. The work consists of hundreds of thousands of anodized metal panels that swing on hidden horizontal rods in response to the breeze.


“Amidst the density of the historic Luwan district and its busy boulevards, the galleria atrium and office corner gardens offer occupants a place for respite in the heart of Shanghai.”

--Christopher Mulvey


Senior Partner of Safdie Architects

LuOne凯德晶萃广场是萨夫迪建筑事务所与凯德团体合作完成的第四个项目,是继新加坡晴宇公寓(SkyHabitat, 2016)、新加坡星耀樟宜机场(Jewel Changi Airport, 2019)和中国重庆来福士(Raffles City Chongqing, 2020)后的又一城市地标。

LuOne is Safdie Architects’ fourth completed project with CapitaLand, following Raffles City mixed-use development in Chongqing, China (2020), and, in Singapore, Jewel Changi Airport (2019) and Sky Habitat residential towers (2016).

项目信息Project Credits

项目业主:CapitaMalls Asia


负责合股人:Moshe Safdie, Christopher Mulvey, Sean Scensor

设计团队:Brian Black, Christopher Guignon, Howard Bloom, Hu Qi Wei, Jane Zimmerman, Michael McKee, Nan Xiang, Stephen O’Brien, Tunch Gungor, Ye Yang





景不雅设计:Coen + Partners(USA)




商场室内:AGC Design Ltd.

照明参谋:Brandston Partnership (BPI)


幕墙工程: Schmidlin

LEED 情况工程: Arup

Client: CapitaMalls Asia

Design Architect: Safdie Architects

Partners: Moshe Safdie, Christopher Mulvey, Sean Scensor

Design Team: Brian Black, Christopher Guignon, Howard Bloom, Hu Qi Wei, Jane Zimmerman, Michael McKee, Nan Xiang, Stephen O’Brien, Tunch Gungor, Ye Yang

Executive Architect: SIADR (Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design & Research Co., LTD.)

General Contractor: China Construction First Bureau Company Limited

Structural Engineer: Arup

MEP Engineer: Arup

Landscape Architect: Coen + Partners, USA

Landscape Design Institute: Ager Group, Beijing

Interior Designer:

Office Interiors: Shanghai Jieyu Architecture Design Co., Ltd.

Retail Galleria: AGC Design Ltd.

Lighting Consultant: Brandston Partnership (BPI)

Other Specialty Consultants:

Façade Engineering: Schmidlin

LEED Environmental Engineer: Arup

关在萨夫迪建筑事务所 About Safdie Architects

萨夫迪建筑事务所是一家为抱负主义而聚,以立异精力而行的设计事务所,深信建筑应增进人道、唤起乐不雅、歌颂天然,并寻求永久。事务所由摩西·萨夫迪(Moshe Safdie)创建,秉承合作成长的理念,综合严谨研究、批评性查询拜访、小我专业常识和集体聪明,完成了一系列世界知名、综合且复杂的年夜型项目。事务所总部位在波士顿,并在耶路撒冷、新加坡和上海设有处事处。在全球规模内,萨夫迪建筑事务所以深图远虑且直不雅可感的设计使一系列建成项目不但超出其最初假想,并且成为积极影响城市和本地社区、并深受人们爱好的地标。

Safdie Architects is a design studio united in idealism, driven by a spirit of innovation, and guided by the principles that architecture should uplift humanity, evoke optimism, celebrate nature, and aspire to timelessness. Founded by pioneering architect Moshe Safdie, our firm operates as a true collaborative that leverages rigorous research, critical inquiry, collective wisdom, and individual expertise to deliver some of the world’s largest and most complex commissions. Based in Boston, with offices in Jerusalem, Singapore, and Shanghai, Safdie Architects’ considered yet intuitive approach yields projects that transcend their primary purpose to become beloved landmarks whose positive impact reverberates through cities and communities around the world.

关在凯德团体 About CapitaLand


CapitaLand Group (CapitaLand) is one of Asia’s largest diversified real estate groups. Headquartered in Singapore, CapitaLand’s portfolio focuses on real estate investment management and real estate development, and spans across more than 260 cities in over 40 countries. Within its ecosystem, CapitaLand has developed an integrated suite of investment management and operating capabilities that supports its real estate businesses and platforms in building core competencies across the real estate value chain. CapitaLand entered China in 1994 and China is one of the Group’s core markets. To keep pace with China’s urbanization, CapitaLand continuously innovates its real estate products and services, and is committed to the sustainable development of society, enterprises and individuals, and to growing together with China.


12M, No.777 Weihai Rd., Jingan District, Shanghai, China

原文网址: LuOne凯德晶萃广场: 萨夫迪建筑事务地点上海市中间营建“垂直城市绿洲” http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-870921.html

上一篇:天博TB-兴创置地32.17亿元底价摘得北京大兴新城、黄村七街地块 下一篇:天博TB-向往的新家丨领尚云锦系列橱柜,成就三餐美好,纵享欢聚时光





总工:13302913876 QQ:1341329082

